Steps of Syndication Continued

Let Me Explain… This week I was supposed to write about how to invest in real estate with your retirement account. However, I realized that perhaps I did not explain the process of investing in a syndication as completely as I should have. If you missed the steps in investing in a syndication (group investment) […]

Steps of Syndication

DO THIS and supercharge your investments… Hopefully, in the past several weeks through our Syndication Series, you have learned that investing in Main Street (Real Estate) as an alternative to Wall Street (Stocks & Bonds), can be a very powerful tool to boost your portfolio performance. (If you have missed the prior newsletters that describe the […]

Your Why…..

What Is Your Why? YOU’RE INVITED!! Come see our most recent Build-For-Investment project. A 48 Unit Apt. complex. RSVP here for 7/26/24. Last week we talked about StoneCrest Equity Partners special approach to Real Estate Investing and why we believe our method is safer and will result in higher returns than regular group investments. (Missed prior installments […]

Vertical Integration

What Makes Vertical IntegrationSignificant? We have a saying here at StoneCrest Equity Partners: It is Never Ever Ever Ever Ever (Yes 4 times) about US. Everything we do has to be about our investors. As Zig Ziglar says: “You Can Have Everything In Life you Want, If You Will Just Help Enough Other People Get What They Want” Now that […]

What makes NNN properties so special??

What Makes NNN Properties So Special? Now that we have explained the reasoning and power behind our Real Estate investment strategy, lets look at an example property. This property is breaking ground this month and it is what is considered NNN Commercial. In a NNN property all expenses such as taxes, insurance, lot maintenance, repairs […]

Why Choose New Development To Invest In?

Why Choose New Development To Invest In? If you are still with us, you’ve likely decided that passive real estate investing might fit in your overall investment portfolio. So far, I have explained why Steve and I have decided to create private investments opportunities, what the benefits are in comparison to traditional investments and what […]

Active vs. Passive Investing

What is the REAL difference between ACTIVE and PASSIVE Investing? At this point in our series on Real Asset Investing, you should be familiar with how StoneCrest Equity Partners is accumulating multiple pieces of real estate using a syndication fund. Once we acquire, develop and stabilize these assets we share in the cashflow and equity with […]

Syndications Strategy

How to BOOST your INVESTMENT RETURNS Welcome to installment #3 of StoneCrest Equity Partners introduction series on investing in Real Estate for maximum wealth growth. So far you have learned about the tax benefits of real estate investing and why Steve and I believe in Real Estate syndications are the best investment strategy for increasing […]

Syndications 101

What is a SIMPLE way to INCREASE your WEALTH? That is a question we have been trying to answer for years. Since, I have been involved in the world of new construction and housing rentals for 36 years now, you would think that I would have a pretty broad knowledge base on all things’ real […]

Ouch! Stung by your tax bill?

We feel your pain. Paying taxes is never fun. My husband, Steve, and I used to dread April 15th every year. Not any more. In the most recent years we have been able to significantly reduce our tax bill and its 100% legal. We discovered how to do this almost by accident. Here is how […]